APC Tools & Equipment-Q2-2021


Slogging Wrenches

Chain Wrenches

Open End SloggingWrenches


Item #

Cap. Length

Item #

Cap. Length

$26.45 $22.95 $28.45 $29.95 $38.45 $47.45 $62.45 $78.95 $101.45 $131.95 $155.45 $177.95

$183.95 $290.45 $302.45 $371.95 $398.45 $478.95 $519.45 $558.45 $661.45 $714.45 $724.45

KTO-10A0-24 24mm 7" KTO-10A0-27 27mm 7" KTO-10A0-30 30mm 7.5" KTO-10A0-32 32mm 7.5" KTO-10A0-36 36mm 8.5" KTO-10A0-41 41mm 9" KTO-10A0-46 46mm 10" KTO-10A0-50 50mm 10.8" KTO-10A0-55 55mm 11.75" KTO-10A0-60 60mm 12.6" KTO-10A0-65 65mm 13.4" KTO-10A0-70 70mm 14.5"

KTO-10A0-75 75mm 14.6" KTO-10A0-80 80mm 15.5" KTO-10A0-85 85mm 15.5" KTO-10A0-90 90mm 17.3" KTO-10A0-95 95mm 17.3" KTO-10A0-A0 100mm 18.9" KTO-10A0-A5 105mm 18.9" KTO-10A0-B0 110mm 19.8" KTO-10A0-B5 115mm 19.8" KTO-10A0-C0 120mm 20.9" KTO-10A0-C5 125mm 20.3"

Handle Length

Min./Max. Pipe Capacity

Chain Length

Item #

$50.45 $89.45



2" / 4"




2" / 6-1/2"


Strap Wrenches

LIS-28500 $29 95

Box End 12 Point SloggingWrenches

Self-Tightening StrapWrench • Loosen or tighten cylindrical or rectangular objects • Range from 1" to 6-5/8" round

Item #

Cap. Length

Item #

Cap. Length

$17.45 $19.45 $19.45 $26.45 $26.45 $38.45 $49.45 $63.45 $70.45 $83.45 $97.95 $118.95

$120.45 $160.45 $204.45 $234.45 $286.45 $293.95 $354.95 $408.95 $480.95 $492.45 $575.45

KTO-10B0-24 24mm 6.4" KTO-10B0-26 26mm 7" KTO-10B0-27 27mm 7" KTO-10B0-30 30mm 7.5" KTO-10B0-32 32mm 7.5" KTO-10B0-36 36mm 8" KTO-10B0-41 41mm 9.1" KTO-10B0-46 46mm 9.4" KTO-10B0-50 50mm 9.8" KTO-10B0-55 55mm 10.4" KTO-10B0-60 60mm 10.8" KTO-10B0-65 65mm 11.6"

KTO-10B0-70 70mm 12.8" KTO-10B0-75 75mm 12.8" KTO-10B0-80 80mm 13.6" KTO-10B0-85 85mm 13.6" KTO-10B0-90 90mm 15" KTO-10B0-95 95mm 15" KTO-10B0-A0 100mm 16.1" KTO-10B0-A5 105mm 16.3" KTO-10B0-B0 110mm 17.3" KTO-10B0-B5 115mm 17.3" KTO-10B0-C0 120mm 18.9"

12" StrapWrench • Use on pipes and fittings, TIT-21315 $28 95

filters, shafts, and irregular shapes • Strap length: 34" • Pipe capacity: 2" • Tube capacity: 9"

Wrench Accessories

Universal Ratcheting Wrenches


Kwik-Tite® RatchetingWrenches • Speeds installation of tube fittings and valves, hex nuts, bolts and fasteners

Item #

Piece Count

Size Range

$180.95 $213.95



10mm – 14mm

Wrench Extender • Helps work in hard to reach areas

Item #

Length Max. Width



3/8" – 3/4"

$70.95 $200.45

MUK-745 100 13-3/8" 1" MUK-745 102 22-7/8" 1-13/16"

Kwik-Tite® OPEN STOCK RatchetingWrenches • METRIC: available from 7mm to 32mm • SAE: available from 5/16" to 2"

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