APC - Facilities Care Guide

Cleaners and degreasers

Machine & Engine Degreaser 510g 02206

Industrial Strength Degreaser 425g 01287

Swish Miracle Disinfectant Spray ‘N Wipe 3.78L - 4015-4 946mL - 4015-1

Industrial Strength Cleaner & Degreaser 946ml 01233

Kleen-Flo Multi-Kleen 900ml 174

Kleen-Flo Multi-Kleen Plus 900ml 184

Degreaser, Non Aerosol 3.78L 01235

Floor Cleaners


Spray Nine® Garage Floor Cleaner 11.3kg pail, powerful alkaline detergent powder C11525

100% Biodegradable Sweeping Compound 22kG 52509

Kleen-Flo Garage Floor Cleaner 11kg 1200

Industrial Floor Cleaner 20L APC13063



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